Thursday, January 21, 2010

Valentines Day Cards!

So. I entered these little cards in THIS contest. It is a contest to design a simple, printable coloring Valentine's Day card for kids. It is difficult to not go totally crazy when designing stuff like this. I just had to think about what kind of pictures my kids select when they get out their box of crayons. All proceeds go to Children's Heart Foundation. I think I will have my 3.5 year old little guy color these construction ones up for his buddies this Valentine's Day. Maybe we will upcycle some crayons to go along with these.
***Once the contest is over, I will upload big versions for you to download if you'd like to print some for your little kiddies.


Miss Vink said...

Hi Ann, very nice concept, great work! ^___^

happy valentine’s day 2010 said...

Wishes to The loves always happy!

Hannah Cloud said...
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Anonymous said...

Oooh, I love the loads of love one. My 2 year old will be all over that one! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Wee Gallery said...

Cute! My son would love the truck ones!

Jennifer said...


Krissy said...

VERY cute....and what a great idea. Good luck! My kids would have a blast coloring those little treats.

Lauri Shillings said...

These are great!!!