Saturday, October 25, 2008

This blog is dead. This blog has been dead for a while. In fact, I am not sure it was ever alive. I feel like this blog could be alive if I only had the will power and motivation to get it done. Having baby number three, building a new house and trying to sell the current house has killed my motivation. But, I am getting on the horse again. I have several shows, commissions, and fun stuff coming up, so I am resolving again to keep it up. Here's a start....

There is a "Small Works" show coming up at Evergreen Gallery. If you haven't been to Evergreen, you should stop by. They have some GREAT stuff! Here is the link for more info.


Adri said...

I love this painting, Ann. Is it a portrait of you and little Lincoln? I'm surprised you are finding time for any painting at all! I almost called you yesterday just to chat, until I realized I have laryngitis and you wouldn't understand a word I said! Maybe this next week...

Just be...... said...

Looooove this one!! Great textures and colors!!
You're fabulous!!!